This example shows how to quickly build and run an MCMC algorithm in NIMBLE with default sampler choices.
Let’s use another of the classic WinBUGS examples: the pump model.
A description can be found here. The original example can be found in our GitHub repository here.
We could load the model using readBUGSmodel()
, but
instead we’ll show it fully here:
library(nimble, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
## nimble version 1.3.0 is loaded.
## For more information on NIMBLE and a User Manual,
## please visit
## Note for advanced users who have written their own MCMC samplers:
## As of version 0.13.0, NIMBLE's protocol for handling posterior
## predictive nodes has changed in a way that could affect user-defined
## samplers in some situations. Please see Section 15.5.1 of the User Manual.
pumpCode <- nimbleCode({
# Define relationships between nodes
for (i in 1:N){
theta[i] ~ dgamma(alpha,beta)
lambda[i] <- theta[i]*t[i]
x[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i])
# Set priors
alpha ~ dexp(1.0)
beta ~ dgamma(0.1,1.0)
# Create some contrants, data, and initial values to pass to the model builder
pumpConsts <- list(N = 10,
t = c(94.3, 15.7, 62.9, 126, 5.24,
31.4, 1.05, 1.05, 2.1, 10.5))
pumpData <- list(x = c(5, 1, 5, 14, 3, 19, 1, 1, 4, 22))
pumpInits <- list(alpha = 1, beta = 1,
theta = rep(0.1, pumpConsts$N))
NIMBLE provides three different workflows for running an MCMC. These
give you different levels of control over how the algorithm runs. From
least to most control, these are: the nimbleMCMC()
function, the runMCMC()
function, and the
MCMC object function.
In general, we recommend the runMCMC()
path, although
is useful for very straightforward cases.
The nimbleMCMC()
function handles everything from model
building to compilation to running the MCMC. It takes model code and
model inputs (constants, data, and initial values) and returns MCMC
samples. The nimbleMCMC()
function is easy and quick to use
but provides little control over the MCMC algorithm. Also, since the
objects (the uncompiled and compiled model and MCMC) are used only in
the function, they aren’t saved and can’t be manipulated for
nimbleMCMC_samples <- nimbleMCMC(code = pumpCode,
constants = pumpConsts,
data = pumpData,
inits = pumpInits,
nburnin = 1000, niter = 10000)
## Defining model
## Building model
## Setting data and initial values
## Running calculate on model
## [Note] Any error reports that follow may simply reflect missing values in model variables.
## Checking model sizes and dimensions
## Checking model calculations
## Compiling
## [Note] This may take a minute.
## [Note] Use 'showCompilerOutput = TRUE' to see C++ compilation details.
## running chain 1...
## |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|
## |-------------------------------------------------------|
## alpha beta
## [1,] 0.5575895 0.9195665
## [2,] 0.7684282 1.2688217
## [3,] 0.7684282 0.3427165
## [4,] 0.7684282 0.6868722
## [5,] 0.5524771 0.4085609
## [6,] 0.5524771 0.2983875
We can look at the results:
plot(nimbleMCMC_samples[ , 'alpha'], type = 'l', xlab = 'iteration',
ylab = expression(alpha))
plot(nimbleMCMC_samples[ , 'beta'], type = 'l', xlab = 'iteration',
ylab = expression(beta))
The runMCMC()
function provides more control and a
closer look at what NIMBLE is doing. runMCMC()
takes a
NIMBLE MCMC object, so we need to back up and build these things.
First, build the NIMBLE model.
pumpModel <- nimbleModel(code = pumpCode, name = 'pump', constants = pumpConsts,
data = pumpData, inits = pumpInits)
## Defining model
## Building model
## Setting data and initial values
## Running calculate on model
## [Note] Any error reports that follow may simply reflect missing values in model variables.
## Checking model sizes and dimensions
Next, build an MCMC object for this model using
pumpMCMC <- buildMCMC(pumpModel)
## ===== Monitors =====
## thin = 1: alpha, beta
## ===== Samplers =====
## RW sampler (1)
## - alpha
## conjugate sampler (11)
## - beta
## - theta[] (10 elements)
We can use runMCMC()
on this uncompiled model if we want
to, but we’ll get a warning reminding us that compiled MCMC will be much
faster. Uncompiled MCMC will be really slow, but running in R allows
easy testing and debugging. Here is how you would run it for 5
runMCMC(pumpMCMC, niter = 5)
## [Warning] Running an uncompiled MCMC algorithm. Use compileNimble() for faster execution.
## running chain 1...
## alpha beta
## [1,] 1 4.3531985
## [2,] 1 1.7207915
## [3,] 1 1.0111682
## [4,] 1 1.5100518
## [5,] 1 0.6584274
To compile the model and MCMC object, use
. Note that the model object must be
compiled first for the MCMC to compile.
CpumpModel <- compileNimble(pumpModel)
## Compiling
## [Note] This may take a minute.
## [Note] Use 'showCompilerOutput = TRUE' to see C++ compilation details.
CpumpMCMC <- compileNimble(pumpMCMC, project = pumpModel)
## Compiling
## [Note] This may take a minute.
## [Note] Use 'showCompilerOutput = TRUE' to see C++ compilation details.
Now we can use runMCMC()
on the compiled model
runMCMC_samples <- runMCMC(CpumpMCMC, nburnin = 1000, niter = 10000)
## running chain 1...
## |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|
## |-------------------------------------------------------|
We can look at the results:
plot(runMCMC_samples[ , 'alpha'], type = 'l', xlab = 'iteration', ylab = expression(alpha))
plot(runMCMC_samples[ , 'beta'], type = 'l', xlab = 'iteration', ylab = expression(beta))
You can directly call the $run()
method of an MCMC
object. Similarly to runMCMC()
, the MCMC object and model
object must be built and compiled. Once this is done, you can use it
## |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|
## |-------------------------------------------------------|
run_samples <- as.matrix(CpumpMCMC$mvSamples)
plot(runMCMC_samples[ , 'alpha'], type = 'l', xlab = 'iteration', ylab = expression(alpha))
plot(runMCMC_samples[ , 'beta'], type = 'l', xlab = 'iteration', ylab = expression(beta))
There are several advantages to using runMCMC()
. runMCMC()
can handle multiple chains
and burn-in. It also returns a friendlier output, whereas
requires retrieving samples from the MCMC object and
converting to a matrix.