Core team
Perry de Valpine is in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management at the University of California, Berkeley.
Chris Paciorek is an adjunct professor in the Department of Statistics at UC Berkeley, as well as the department’s statistical computing consultant.
- Duncan Temple Lang is in the Department of Statistics at the University of California, Davis.
Core team alums
- Nick Michaud is a Statistician at Vertex Pharmaceuticals who contributed to various NIMBLE algorithms and NIMBLE internals.
- Clifford Anderson-Bergman is a Statistician at Lawrence Livermore National Lab.
- Jagadish Babu contributed to an early pre-release version of NIMBLE.
- Claudia Wehrhahn Cortes, is a visiting assistant professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics implementing Bayesian nonparametric methods in NIMBLE.
- Abel Rodriguez is a faculty member at the University of Washington Department of Statistics
- Wei Zhang is a lecturer in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Glasgow who has contributed to NIMBLE methods and applications.
- Sally Paganin is a postdoc at Harvard School of Public Health who has contributed to NIMBLE methods and applications.
Lauren Ponisio is a faculty member at the University of California, Riverside.
Dao Nguyen is a faculty member at the University of Mississippi.
- Ras Bodik is a faculty member at the University of Washington, Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Fritz Obermeyer is a computer scientist who worked on NIMBLE development.
David Pleydell is in the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA).
Ryan Lim contributed to NIMBLE as part of Berkeley's Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program. He now works for Microsoft.

Luke Larson is a Berkeley student who designed our logo.
- Joshua Hug contributed to NIMBLE's WAIC algorithm while a master's student in Statistics at Berkeley. He now works for Aetna.
- Peter Sujan contributed to NIMBLE while a master's student in Statistics at Berkeley. He now works for Microsoft.